Madhuvan Sai Vidyashram brings up your child at the right milieu where the education is
meant for building life , shaping up to experience the
wholesome earthly sojourn, remaining responsible to
oneself, parents and to the Society at large.
We at Madhuvan Sai Vidyashram, exert to bring out the latent talents in each child
in the best possible and the most natural way through a methodology to
help the child and not to hurt! This methodology is a quintessence of what Child psychologists from Froebel
to Bandura have explored, picking and choosing the best among them ,integrating the
relevant aspects of Montessori methods and Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s educare based on human values.
A home away from home
The Kindergarten Classes are handled in the Montessori method by specially trained teachers so that
the children feel at home with their indirect learning. We have learnt from our experience that even children with low IQ pick up their tasks very
easily and congenially. This makes our school dearer to them and everyone ushers to the school each day with new dreams, new stories, and new
experiences to share. They remain fresh for the day and return home refreshed!
In fact they learn more that what their peers do in other schools. They get
acquainted with the world around them, the life , the time and the space without any conditioning!
Madhuvan provides no conditioning which prevents the child from facing the challenges set by nature and the residents therein !
Computer Literacy
The computer literacy starts at the LKG level itself, through daily online
lessons, puzzles, story cartoons, animated lessons on each alphabet and
number they learn. In UKG, they slowly peep into the mystery of the
cybernetics through ABC of computer. In 1st Standard they start
to handle keyboard, mouse and joystick and to command. Beginning with
Paintbrush, the child gradually explores the state-of-the art IT. The
Classes are handled by Engineering Graduates.
The edge
Unlike other schools, children here learn not just alphabets, numbers and rhymes.
The Montessori syllabus is adapted with relevant changes to suit the
environment whereby they study elementary science, ethics, social studies,
and mathematics. Paper crafts and drawing shape their muscles and minds to
be creative and constructive.
Balanced Growth and lack of peer pressure
The school has a repertoire of Montessori teaching aides which
help the children to enlighten the cognitive brain centres and make the
learning process a joyful and playful experience. Children are not left to
themselves with some toys to play but with Montessori playing aides which
develops their skills and logic while playing.
Strictly following what Maria Montessori has taught, the lessons are
organised in consideration of the child’s attitude and aptitude so that
hyperactivity of a fellow student never dampens his spirits.
At par with international standards
The CBSE syllabus is not just taken for granted at the kindergarten level at Madhuvan. In order to maintain
the international standards we have integrated the state-of-the-art
curricula in the global scene by introducing elements from IB pattern as
well as ICSE patterns essential for growth of the students.
Study Materials
The Montessori methodology as well as the curricula
abroad, envisage the inclusion of Science and Social Studies through easy
methods. Madhuvan prepares its own lesson plans leaving no such elements ignored.
Our staff is trained on weekends on online study materials and patterns on the web. The language undergoes
perfect blossoming in the tiny lips thanks to the use of phonetics for perfection of the language.
The Guides and Guards
A mother is the best child psychologist. The kindergarten at Madhuvan is closely monitored by
experienced mothers among the faculty and the feedback necessary for R&D is obtained.
Easily accessible
The school buses picks up children from almost all major locales in Trivandrum city and suburbs.
Back home afresh in the evening
In Kindergarten, the children spend their afternoon in Montessori lessons in a play way method after a short
nap. The games both indoor and outdoor are designed so as to make them
feel at home with their lessons.
See the video clips on Madhuvan Kindergarten (2006-07)
Advantages of Montessori Curriculum
Prepares the child for primary education in a better way.
Provides broad spectrum exposure to all areas of education in a concrete manner
Ensures freedom to the child to construct himself, without any conditioning.
Monitors the growth and make the parents fully aware of your child’s progress.
Builds self-confidence and self-worth in children
Features of Montessory Curriculum
Montessori 1. Practical Life Exercises:
These exercises form the foundation of Montessori environment.The wholesome range of activities
develop control and co-ordination of movement, awareness of environment,
good work habits, responsibility, concentration, attention, independence,
order and positive self-image.
Montessori 2. Sensorial Training
The five senses are children’s tools for learning. The Primary purpose of sensorial exercise is to further
refine him/her sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing.
The materials used in the sensorial exercise will be quite unlike anything
else that your child has ever encountered in the way of play things. Your
child will be able to perceive size, shape, colour, loudness, texture, odours etc.
Montessori 3 : Language
Combination of phonics, stories and language experiences to bring meaning to the learning of reading
and writing. This is a multi-sensory approach. In this system, your child
utilizes all his senses to help him/her read and write with proper
understanding instead of learning by heart. Discovering language becomes
interesting, fun and creative through activities in the pink, blue and green
Montessori language series. Grammar will be taught to enhance the child’s
attention to and use of words in everyday speaking.
Montessori 4: Mathematics
Here, it is an activity based programme provding the child hands-on experience in learning the concepts of
mathematics. Montessori arithmetic is taught through the manipulation of concrete objects
and mathematics materials facilities children’s learning by making mathematical concepts simple and logical.
Montessori 5 : Cultural Subjects
The Montessori cultural subjects cover Nature study, Botany and Zoology, Geography and History.
Creative Art. Music and Movement, Physical Programme and Outdoor play activities are also part of the curriculum.

Montessori Training at
LKG on sizes

Montessori training at
LKG on cognition

Montessori training at
LKG on wet and dry pouring

Montessori education on Geography

Computer education from LKG itself

Outdoor activities for physical development